illegal imagrant / child support custody case


RX Senior
Apr 20, 2002
I know some guy who has a 9 month old daughter that lives with the mother he hasnt seen either of them for 2 months. he gets the paper work in the mail that he must attend a hearing she is seeking full custody and child support.

he is an illegal imagrant working under the table. he says he will tell the court he doesnt have a job (i guess to protect his being paid under the table and to skate on the payments so he pays the minimum) and he wants visitation rights.

he is a very nice guy who never harmed the either of them, but i guess now that she moved an hour away she just assume move on with out the guy and i guess he loves the both of them but for one reason or another not really sure she wants nothing to do with him.

what happens when he goes to court? is there a chance the joker gets deported? . .there is no way in hell he will get visitation rights IMO. .talk about pressing your luck. youre not supposed to be in the country but you want the visitation rights of a child who is an american citizen (as is the mother)?!?

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